Corona Strong

The Governor’s announcement has put my mind into a tailspin! “Stay at home” until April 30th!
I may have even muttered the words, BOYS, I have not drank alcohol in almost 3 years, and you are getting me close to my breaking point!!
After my explosion at my house, and a solid workout ??.
I came up with an idea!
Starting April 13th!
A group where our goal isn’t to lose weight, but rather a group created so that we can get STRONGER!
??Our mind
??Our body
??Our immune systemIt will be similar to my previous groups, points wise.
But the way you earn points will be totally different.
If you already know you want to join, click here!
I have been running similar groups to this for almost 5 years!
I know what works and what doesn’t work!
So here is the deal.
This group, at this point in time has no end date. With the uncertainty of the Corona Virus, I am leaving it open ended.
The full details are a surprise. You would need to join to see the guidelines!
It’s simple.
You follow the guidelines. (which are not hard to follow)
Accumulate points
And may end up winning!
NO menus. But I do provide recipes that fall within the guidelines.
Simple life, food, mind, family, and health changes.
Supplements optional. Doesn’t matter to me if you use them.
It’s social distancing time. Stay at home time. We are all in the same boat.
Well…..not really the exact same boat because we would have to be 6 feet apart. LOL
Looking forward to helping you deal with social distancing, staying on track, and have the daily accountability to basically remain sane!
Click here to join today
Tara Higgs, Creator of Higgs Lifestyle