Seeing people’s lives transform before my eyes is so rewarding! Having worked in the health care industry for over 20 years, in many different leadership positions, I never really enjoyed what I was doing on a daily basis. I dreaded gong to work each day. I never felt that what I was doing daily was making a lasting impression on anyone. That was, not until I combined my passion for fitness and nutrition, with my Master’s degree and Personal Training certification and turned it into my life’s mission to help as many people meet their goals that I can.
Can you relate to any of the stories below? Are you ready for you to have a transformation that you are proud of? So many people take before pictures, but never finish their journey to be able to have an after picture. Are you ready to have an “after” picture? We are here to help.
I wanted to share my transformation with you. A twin pregnancy can do a number on a woman's body. After I had my twins I wanted to compete in a bikini competition, but life always got in the way. Whether it was moving across the country away from my family, or going through a divorce, or opening my own gym, I always had an excuse not to train for a competition. I love challenging myself to do things that I never thought was possible, so this year, when asking my team what their goals were, I knew that I had to set a real hard goal for myself so that they could see that anything was possible! Here are my 5 1/2 month transformation pictures! I did NOT deny myself of food, I did NOT exercise all day long. In fact, I exercised less in those months than I have in the past few years! I am a true believer in following and trusting in someone that not only talks the talk, but also walks the walk. My husband and I wake up every single day wanting to be a better person than we were the day before. And wanting to help change as many lives as we can! Note: There is 3.8 pounds difference in these pictures. In other words, the scale is just a number! Throw it away! Monitor your progress on how you feel and how your clothes fit!

I am so glad that I started this journey. All it takes is for me to look back at photos that were taken one year ago and see those extra 105 pounds that I was carrying around, to realize how far I have come. That extra weight was slowly killing me. My knees, back, and feet were in constant pain. I was always tired and already diagnosed as pre-diabetic. Now one year later and 100 pounds lighter, I am pain-free and healthy! I could not have made it to this point without Tara's structure, guidance, and support! She has been at my side to offer ideas, suggestions, and examples for every phase that I have encountered throughout this entire journey. Tara has taught me daily healthy eating habits and exercise workouts that will help keep me on track for the rest of my life. Her ability to guide me successfully through any questions that I had, proves her superior knowledge and passion about health and fitness. I am eternally grateful for Tara and her help in changing my life! She has a true gift!

I was feeling stuck. I had read and researched and tried so many things. I wanted to lose the weight that had crept back on, lose my belly so my clothes fit better, and feel lighter and more free when I move and exercise. I was doing everything I could, yet I couldn't meet my goals. I was frustrated. I knew I needed to lose the weight so my risk of preventable diseases would be less (working in healthcare I see how people suffer from their lifestyle choices). I felt a bit hopeless as I worked so hard and nothing worked for me. Then my friend Tara reached out to me and offered to help me with my eating. I was ready to change and she was ready to help me. She has helped with an eating plan that (within a couple days) I decided was easy and kept me from feeling deprived or hungry. As a result, I have lost 10 pounds so far and I feel amazing! The freedom I feel is more than physical. I have a plan and check in with Tara for accountability now. I am no longer on the emotional roller coaster that comes with struggling with food choices when desiring to lose weight. That, my friends, is awesome!

I started using Isagenix in September of 2016. I had tremendous success with weight loss! I had upped my workouts but wasn't getting the results that I had wanted and I had let my old unhealthy food choices creep back in to the point of where I felt I was spiraling out of control. I began working with Tara mid May 2017. She literally saved me from my downward spiral. Tara is incredibly knowledgeable and I trust everything she has me do! She went through a major transformation herself for a bikini competition so she knows what it's like to want this level of change! I love and need the accountability that she provides! I tell her waiting for her weekly recommendations is like a fitness stitch fix!!!! In the 7 months that I have been working with Tara, I have lost over 25 lbs and gained so much muscle! I'm loving how my body is transforming and can't wait to see what she continues to do for me! She takes everything into much thought and tweaks the plan specifically for me! WORTH EVERY PENNY!!!!

Weight-loss results depicted here should not be construed as typical or average. In a study performed in 2012 by University at Chicago researchers, subjects lost an average of 4.1 kg with an average of 0.9 kg of the loss from visceral fat after 30 days on an Isagenix System. The subjects also had a greater level of adherence and had more consistent weight loss from week to week compared to subjects on a traditional diet. Always consult your GP before making any dietary changes or starting any nutrition, weight-loss or exercise program.