Lifestyle Rockstar—September 2017—Erica Fisher
September 2017 Lifestyle Rockstar
Have you met a girl that gives 1000%! Someone that NEVER complains when I switch up her plan! Someone that has put her mind to transforming her mindset and body and tackles it head on?
Erica Fisher from Crofton, MD is our 1st ever Lifestyle Rockstar!
4 months! There is only 4 months difference in these pictures! For us women that carry our weight in our hips and butt, (like myself) she is truly an inspiration! But not only that! Take a look at her abs! What woman after having kids wouldn’t want those abs!! And those arms! WOW! Proof that lifting weights does a woman’s body good! Nothing beats a set of nice shoulders on a woman!
Erica didn’t have this transformation by working out in the gym for hours upon hours. She has transformed body by changing her eating along with incorporating HIIT and weight workouts 5 days per week! No need to be in the gym doing cardio all day long to get a transformation like this! Heck, she is a mom and a wife, and doesn’t have all the time in the world to spend in the gym! She is focused and she works hard!
Just like I tell any client….Transforming is 80% nutrition and 18% exercise! (2% genetics) And 100% mindset!
AMAZING work Erica! And congratulations on being our 1st ever Lifestyle Rockstar!